Powered by Artificial Intelligence

Demand Generation Platform

Identify Website Visitors
Target Companies
Engage Decision Makers
Qualify Leads
Buyer Intent Data
Tech Stack Data

Supercharge your Generative AI Marketing Strategy with FUNNEL

Identify Website Visitors

FUNNEL identifies the names of the companies visiting your website.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Use FUNNEL's custom segmentation to score and qualify visitors.

Connect with Decision Makers

Use Adaptiv's INSIGHT to determine the best person to contact from a visiting company.

Qualify High Potential Leads

FUNNEL orchestrates data from millions of potential buyers to map decision-maker behavior, uncover intent, and accurately predict in-market accounts.

Real-Time Buyer Intent Data

FUNNEL orchestrates data from millions of potential buyers to map decision-maker behavior, uncover intent, and accurately predict in-market accounts.

Tech Stack Data

FUNNEL empowers sales with the intel they need, in the tools they use most.

Sync with your CRM

FUNNEL empowers sales with the intel they need, in the tools they use most.

Access FUNNEL data in 3rd party tools

Enrich B2B tools in real-time with firmographic data about your visitors. Use plug-and-play connectors, or integrate with our API to power custom workflows.


Data Cloud
Data Pipelines
Data Analytics
Generative AI
Large Language Models
Machine Learning
Data Science


Trusted by 600+
Companies around the



Clutch is a consumer marketing platform for B2C brands. Learn how Adaptiv helped Clutch target, engage, and capture some of the largest B2C brands in North America.



AppDynamics is a full-stack Observability Platform for the next generation of enterprise technology. Learn how Adaptiv helped AppDynamics expand across North America and Europe.



Catalyte provides companies with highly-vetted technical talent for software development. Learn how Adaptiv helped Catalyte significantly expand its sales pipeline.


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